A lot of homeowners have refinanced their mortgage in the past year and now need to do their taxes. Did you know that the costs and fees related to refinancing a mortgage are tax deductible? Were you aware that you could get tax deductions for any points you may have pre paid for? Here are some things that homeowners need to know about what tax deduction may be available to them if they got a mortgage refinancing.
Mortgage Refinancing Points are Usually Tax Deductible
When you first got your home mortgage, you might have prepaid for points on the loan. These prepaid points can be deductible from your taxes, for the entire length of the home loan. That means that it is possible for a typical homeowner to deduct the amount of interest points they have paid in the past 12 months from their taxes. This can easily add up to thousands of dollars in payments and savings when you deduct them from your taxes.
Cash Back Mortgage Refinancing Interest Payment Tax Write Offs
Sometimes, homeowners got a mortgage refinance that enabled them to take out some of their homes equity in the form of cash back. These homeowners may be able to write off an entire years worth of mortgage interest payments if they have met some basic requirements of the IRS. To be able to do this, home improvements or repairs must be made with the money received from a cash back refinancing. Also, homeowners who refinanced a mortgage and paid it off early are able to deduct any remaining points on the loan from their taxes.
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